Indian Gopi Thotakura Becomes First Indian To Go To Space As Tourist
Life & Style

Indian Gopi Thotakura Becomes First Indian To Go To Space As Tourist

India-born Gopi Thotakura made history by being the first and second Indian to travel into space as a space tourist. He joined Blue Origin on its NS-25 mission, which marked the successful completion of the programme’s 25th flight and its seventh human spaceflight.

Thotakura, an Andhra Pradesh native, travelled with Mason Angel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hess, Carol Schaller, and retired Air Force Captain Ed Dwight as one of the six members of the crew.

Senior Vice President of New Shepard Phil Joyce expressed gratitude to the astronaut clients for advancing Blue Origin’s goal of constructing a space highway for the good of humanity.

Thotakura talked about his love of aviation and the possibility of more accessible and reasonably priced space travel. He highlighted the amazing sensation of staring down at Earth from orbit as he thought back on his feelings.

He also emphasised the significance of preserving the environment, in keeping with Blue Origin’s motto, “For the benefit of Earth.” The goal of Blue Origin’s charity, Club for the Future, was to encourage future generations to pursue jobs in STEAM fields, and each astronaut took a postcard into space with them.

In 1984, Indian citizen Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma became the first person to travel to space.