Pine Leaf Transformation: Enhancing Rural Economy and Fire Prevention

Pine Leaf Transformation: Enhancing Rural Economy and Fire Prevention

Researchers at Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar’s GB Pant Agriculture and Technology University, have created a process to turn pine leaves, or pirul, which frequently start forest fires, into useful bio-grease and bio-resin. This innovation attempts to strengthen the local economy and stop forest fires.

Under the guidance of Professors T. K. Bhattacharya and A. K. Verma, Tarannum Jahan led the team that developed bio-resin for plywood adhesion and bio-grease to lower friction in ball bearings and prevent rust. The Gujarat-based business Green Molecules purchased the study, which was a component of the ICAR-AICRP Energy in Agriculture & Agro-based Industries project after it was patented.

Director of Research A. S. Nain stated, “This initiative will increase the value of pine leaves and provide villagers with a new source of income, reducing forest fires.” Every year, Uttarakhand produces almost 2 million metric tonnes of pirul. Increasing its market value will provide the local villagers with substantial financial benefits.

To make bio-resin, pyrolysis oil is mixed with chemicals; similarly, to make bio-grease, pyrolysis oil is combined with caustic soda and animal fat.

The Governor of Uttarakhand, Lt Gen (retd) Gurmit Singh, presented Jahan with the “Young Woman Scientist Excellence” Award in recognition of her work.