UK Firm Secures Order to Supply Technology to Gujarat Solar Facility

UK Firm Secures Order to Supply Technology to Gujarat Solar Facility

Gas Recovery and Recycle Limited (GR2L), a small cleantech firm in south-east England, has secured a GBP 4 million order to supply its technology to a projected 2-gigawatt solar facility in Mundra, Gujarat.

An micro small and medium enterprise (MSME) business in Surrey, GR2L claims to have developed, patented and exported cutting-edge technology to reduce the energy consumption, carbon footprint and cost of manufacturing solar panels. The MSME was backed by UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK government’s export credit agency, with a GBP 4,75,000 guarantee issued under its Bond Support Scheme that helped secure the Indian order.

Solar panel manufacturers use argon gas to purify silicon crystals, which are then used in solar cells. This process requires vast amounts of argon, with some producers needing to ship in multiple tankers of the gas each day.

GR2L’s Argon machinery claims to be a world first which allows solar cell production and other advanced manufacturing activities such as microelectronics production, 3D metals printing and aerospace heat treatments instead to recycle up to 95% of argon used.

GR2L had an opportunity to supply its argon recycling technology to Mundra Solar Technology Ltd. to support a solar facility being built in the town.