Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the Bharatpol platform in New Delhi on Tuesday, signalling a transformative step in India’s crime-fighting capabilities. Designed to improve international investigations, the site allows for seamless communication between Indian law enforcement authorities and Interpol, closing significant gaps in global crime-fighting efforts.
Shah noted that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was previously the only agency that communicated with Interpol. BHARATPOL enables all Indian law enforcement agencies and state police forces to communicate directly with Interpol, expediting processes such as issuing Red Notices and monitoring international fugitives.
The web would also allow agencies to evaluate worldwide crime trends, enabling them to predict and prevent crimes in India. Shah stated that Bharatpol’s advanced features will enable Indian law enforcement to discover, trace, and apprehend criminals operating locally or abroad.
Furthermore, Bharatpol enables the effective transmission of criminal data among Interpol’s 195 member countries, resulting in timely responses to global crime threats. Shah praised the platform’s ability to transform crime prevention strategies and boost India’s position in international law enforcement.
Additionally, at the inaugural event, Shah also presented 35 CBI officers with honours, including the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to investigation and law enforcement.