China sounds Covid-19 alarm as Delta Variant spreads to 18 provinces
Life & Style

China sounds Covid-19 alarm as Delta Variant spreads to 18 provinces

China’s 27 cities in 18 provinces reported more than 300 confirmed fresh cases in recent days. The rise of infection of the highly contagious Delta Variant of COVID-19 raised many concerns. The cities include Beijing, Jiangsu, Sichuan, and many others with fresh cases emerging on Sunday.

China sounded alarmed as 300 cases were detected within 10 days. It is posing a great challenge for the country as it is dealing with the worst epidemic in months. 95 regions are marked as medium and high-risk, 91 regions as marked as medium-risk, and four regions are marked as high-risk. The capital of China, Beijing, reported two new coronavirus cases and one asymptomatic case this Sunday. The spokesperson briefed the press saying the three are all family members who recently returned from Zhangjiajie. It is a tourist destination in South China’s Hunan Province which is having recent outbreaks. The test was confirmed by Beijing’s Centre for Disease Control (CDC). They confirm them as a Delta variant of coronavirus.

The Chinese government is restricting the vehicles, airlines, and trains from the reported COVID-19 infected areas to enter Beijing. The Beijing municipal government is seen taking strict actions to stop the spread of the virus within the city.