Kaamya Karthikeyan, a Class 12 student from Navy Children School, Mumbai, has made history. At just 17, she became the youngest female to scale the highest peaks on all seven continents.
Her journey includes summiting Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa, Mt Elbrus in Europe, and Mt Kosciuszko in Australia. She also conquered Mt Aconcagua in South America, Mt Denali in North America, and Mt Everest in Asia.
Kaamya completed the Seven Summits Challenge by scaling Mt Vinson in Antarctica on December 24. She reached the summit with her father, Commander S Karthikeyan, at 5:20 PM Chilean Standard Time.
The Indian Navy celebrated this remarkable achievement. On X (formerly Twitter), the official spokesperson shared, “Kaamya Karthikeyan, Class XII student at @IN_NCS Mumbai, scripts history by becoming the youngest female in the world to scale seven highest peaks across seven continents.”
The Navy also congratulated Kaamya and her father for accomplishing this incredible milestone.