Royal Balcony Room Opens for Exclusive Public Tours
Life & Style

Royal Balcony Room Opens for Exclusive Public Tours

The room opening onto Buckingham Palace’s iconic balcony, where the royal family waves to the public during major events, is now open for public tours after a renovation. The “East Wing Highlights” tours were sold out in a single day. In addition to the $50 ordinary Buckingham Palace tour ticket, standard adult tickets are roughly $90.

Visitors will witness the Centre Room, which leads to the well-known balcony that is home to historical artefacts such as silk wall hangings from the 18th century that were sent to Queen Victoria as a Diamond Jubilee gift from Emperor Guangxu of China in 1897. 

According to Nicola Turner Inman, the Royal Collection Trust’s curator of ornamental arts, Prince Albert proposed the balcony as a way for royals to interact with the public. When troops were sent off for the Crimean War, it was first used in 1851.

A tour through the Principal Corridor, which leads to the Centre Room and features well-known artworks, is part of the trip. The Yellow Drawing Room’s freshly repaired Chinese hand-painted wallpaper from the 18th century is another attraction for guests. 

“We aim to make the collection more accessible, fulfilling the wish of His Majesty the King to open up the royal residences,” Inman stated.