The Centre plans to send a human into the deep sea, likely aligning with India’s human space mission in early 2026. Union Minister of State for Science, Jitendra Singh, announced this on Thursday during the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami at INCOIS.
Recalling Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mention of the Deep Sea Mission in a past Independence Day address, Singh highlighted the significance of this initiative. “We are planning to send a human into the deep sea. It’s a fascinating coincidence – one Indian in space and another in the deep sea,” he said.
The human space mission, originally scheduled for 2025, has been rescheduled to early 2026. Singh emphasized the unique nature of these parallel missions, stating, “One Indian up there, and one in the deep sea – this will be a record of sorts.”
He also stressed the growing importance of oceanic exploration in India’s vision for a ‘Viksit Bharat.’ The Deep Sea Mission is a critical step in advancing scientific research and showcasing India’s capabilities in space and marine exploration. Both missions mark significant milestones in the country’s journey toward technological and scientific progress.