ISRO To Set Up Bharatiya Antariksh Station By 2035 In A Phased Manner

ISRO To Set Up Bharatiya Antariksh Station By 2035 In A Phased Manner

Union Minister Jitendra Singh announced that India’s Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS) will be operational by 2035. Currently, in the conceptualisation phase, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is developing the overall architecture and module configuration for the space station, which will be launched in stages.

Once the feasibility studies are completed, ISRO will submit a proposal to the government for permission and funding. In the meantime, ISRO is developing a roadmap for future Moon missions, such as robotic exploration and lunar sample return missions. 

As part of the Gaganyaan Programme, ISRO intends to send two to three humans into low-Earth orbit for up to three days. The first crewed mission will launch from an Orbital Module on a human-rated Launch Vehicle Mark III (LVM3). This module, which includes a Crew Module and a Service Module, will be outfitted with life support systems to ensure a safe return to Earth.

Prior to this, ISRO will carry out two unmanned missions, an integrated airdrop test, a pad abort test, and test vehicle flights to guarantee mission safety. Four Indian Air Force test pilots have been chosen as astronaut-designates and are currently receiving mission-specific training.