Japan Strengthens Security Ties with Philippines, US, and Australia

Japan Strengthens Security Ties with Philippines, US, and Australia

According to Defence Minister Minoru Kihara, Japan wants to strengthen its security relationships on a trilateral and quadrilateral basis with the US, Australia, and the Philippines.

This declaration was given at a joint news conference in Manila after Japan and the Philippines signed a Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) permitting the deployment of troops for operations and training. Japan’s defence and foreign ministers are in Manila on Monday for “two-plus-two” negotiations with their Philippine counterparts.

After being approved by legislators in both nations, the deal, which was worked out by Kihara and Gilberto Teodoro, the defence secretary of the Philippines, will go into force.

In light of China’s increasing assertiveness, especially concerning Taiwan and the South China Sea, the RAA is an important step towards strengthening defence ties. Tensions in the region have increased as a result of recent clashes between Chinese and Philippine ships.

Longtime US allies Japan and the Philippines want to offset China’s influence. Japan has inked similar agreements with Britain and Australia and is a major supplier of security equipment to the Philippines. The Philippines intends to pursue a similar agreement with France and already has one with the US and Australia.