The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has authorised a rise in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for raw jute for the 2025-26 marketing season. The MSP has been hiked to ₹5,650 per quintal, up ₹315 from the previous year’s price of ₹5,335 per quintal. This step attempts to raise jute farmers’ revenues and improve their financial security.
Union Minister Piyush Goyal emphasised that the new MSP provides a 66.8% return on the All-India weighted average cost of production. The decision is consistent with the government’s objectives to promote sustainable farming practices and secure fair prices for farmers.
The steady increase in raw jute MSP throughout the years is noteworthy. Since the 2014-15 marketing season, the MSP was fixed at ₹2,400 per quintal. The rate has now increased by 2.35 times, demonstrating the government’s commitment to farmers’ welfare.
Furthermore, the Cabinet has approved the continuance of the National Health Mission for another five years. Union Minister Goyal praised the NHM’s vital role in improving healthcare delivery nationwide. Between 2021 and 2022, almost 12 lakh healthcare personnel joined the mission, which was critical during the Covid-19 pandemic.