Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a 13-km section of the Delhi-Meerut RRTS corridor on Sunday morning. This section, stretching from Sahibabad in Uttar Pradesh to New Ashok Nagar in east Delhi, marks the first entry of Namo Bharat trains into the capital. It connects Delhi to Meerut via high-speed trains.
Modi also took a ride on a Namo Bharat train from Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar. The journey lasted less than 10 minutes. The section, built at a cost of ₹4,600 crore, opened to the public at 5 pm with trains running every 15 minutes.
HT traveled on the train from New Ashok Nagar to Anand Vihar, reaching a top speed of 118 km/h. Passengers can now travel from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South in just 40 minutes. The Sahibabad to Meerut South route has been operational since last year. Officials confirmed that Namo Bharat trains can reach a top speed of 160 km/h on this route.
“Delhi-NCR has received a significant gift from the Indian government,” Modi said. He added that once complete, the Namo Bharat project will positively impact road traffic on the Delhi-Meerut route.