On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, India’s largest mobility exhibition, which is slated to showcase over 100 debuts in autos, components, and technologies. The five-day festival (January 17-22) takes place at three locations: Bharat Mandapam, Yashobhoomi in Delhi, and India Expo Centre in Greater Noida.
The launch was attended by Union Ministers Nitin Gadkari, Piyush Goyal, and Hardeep Singh Puri, as well as automobile industry heavyweights. The expo brings together the full mobility value chain, including manufacturers, component suppliers, energy storage companies, and recyclers.
The event’s theme, “Beyond Boundaries: Co-creating Future Automotive Value Chain,” emphasises sustainable innovation, with nine concurrent exhibits, 20+ seminars, and state sessions highlighting policies and cooperation. The exhibition, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and industry bodies such as SIAM, ACMA, and IESA, is expected to attract over 5,100 global participants and 5 lakh visitors.
Maruti Suzuki (eVITARA), Hyundai (Creta EV), and Mercedes-Benz (EQS Maybach) have all launched electric vehicles. BMW will show off its electrified i7 and X3 cars. The components display at Yashobhoomi will feature 1,000 exhibitors from seven nations, including Japan, Germany, and South Korea, as well as over 60 product premieres.