The Global Power Metropolis Index (GPCI), published by Japan’s Mori Memorial Foundation, has ranked Dubai the world’s cleanest metropolis for the fifth year in a row. The index assesses cities’ potential to attract people, capital, and businesses, taking into account criteria such as economy, R&D, cultural engagement, liveability, environment, and accessibility.
Dubai outperformed 47 global cities, with respondents expressing complete satisfaction with its cleanliness. Over 3,200 cleaning engineers and supervisors worked tirelessly to achieve this feat, which was aided by 855 vehicles and equipment. Every day, they clean 2,400 kilometres of roads, 1,419 square kilometres of investment zones, and 33.4 km of waterways, keeping the city in exquisite condition.
Dubai Municipality has shown its dedication to maintaining cleanliness and sustainability through a variety of programs. In November, nearly 2.5 million flowers and plants were planted throughout the city to add to the greenery.
This honour comes as Dubai’s population has increased by 169,000 over the last year, reaching 3.8 million. A recent Time Out poll also put Dubai among the happiest, safest, and most modern cities, citing its high quality of life and eating options.