To conserve and maintain the Kashmir Valley’s iconic Chinar trees, authorities have begun an ambitious geo-tagging campaign. These trees, which are valued for their historical and cultural significance, have suffered as a result of urbanisation, illnesses, and construction projects. To address this loss, a “Digital Tree Aadhaar” system was implemented, which assigns a unique identity number to each Chinar tree in the valley.
So far, about 29,000 Chinar trees have been geotagged, with approximately 1,000 remaining. This comprehensive effort, which began in 2021, includes capturing essential information on each tree, including its height, girth, geographical location, and health state. Dr. Syed Tariq, Coordinator of Projects and In Charge of Bio Diversity in Kashmir, noted, “This project allows us to monitor the Chinar population and their situation. We may obtain detailed information about the tree, such as its location, altitude, and health, by scanning the QR code on metal tags.”
Chinar trees, some of which are over 500 years old, take over a century to reach maturity. Researchers examined approximately 25 features of each tree, noting whether they were diseased, dried, or healthy. This knowledge permits prompt responses to protect these magnificent trees.
Authorities are also encouraging the planting of fresh Chinar seedlings.