India-Thailand Bond Over Buddhism
Life & Style

India-Thailand Bond Over Buddhism

India and Thailand celebrated a significant cultural exchange as holy relics (20 bone fragments) of Lord Buddha and his disciples arrived in Thailand from India, fostering stronger ties between the two nations.

Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, the governor of Bihar, and Union Minister Virendra Kumar led a delegation of 22 people as they transported the relics, which included those of Arahata Sariputra and Arahata Maudgalayana, to Thailand on an Indian Air Force plane.

The Archaeological Survey of India excavated the artefacts in Piprahwa, which date back to the fourth and fifth centuries BC. This marks the first display of Lord Buddha’s relics and those of his disciples together. Four of the relics from India’s National Museum were showcased in Thailand, signifying the deep historical ties between the two countries.

An Exposition Agreement was signed between the Department of Religious Affairs, Thailand, and the National Museum, marking another milestone in the 75-year diplomatic relations between India and Thailand. The relics will be enshrined in a grand pavilion in Bangkok, allowing people to pay their respects, symbolising the enduring connection between the two countries through the teachings of Lord Buddha.

The Thai Culture Minister expressed gratitude for India’s gesture in sending the relics for exposition, further solidifying the diplomatic relations between the two nations.