Trade and investment will be a focus area for Singapore and Thailand, as well as tourism cooperation and digital economy collaboration.
In Bangkok on Tuesday and Wednesday, the sixth ministerial meeting on Enhanced Economic Relationships between Singapore and Thailand was co-chaired by Dr Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry, and Mr Jurin Laksanawisit, Thai’s Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister.
As part of the agreement, Singapore and Thailand formed a Cruise Tourism Task Force to develop a comprehensive road map for promoting cruise tourism between the two countries. The term of reference for the task force will be worked out by both tourism ministries, with teams from both countries expected to complete their work by December.
Before the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-28) in 2023, Dr Tan and Thai DPM Jurin plan to develop an Implementation Agreement and identify potential projects for collaboration. On the sidelines of the ministerial meeting, Singapore and Thailand entities signed four memorandums of understanding (MOUs).
Dr Tan said, “The good progress we made at the meeting will propel our friendship to greater heights and benefit Singapore businesses looking to explore the Thailand market, and visa versa.”