ANDD Techservices

ANDD Techservices

Established in 2013, ANDD Techservices has cemented its reputation as a pioneering leader in technology strategy development. While many companies place emphasis on implementation, ANDD Techservices’ primary strength is in designing robust technological blueprints tailored to meet contemporary business challenges. With a specialised team whose average experience exceeds 8 years, they offer expertise in diverse realms—be it integration technologies, API security, event streaming with Kafka, or cloud technologies, with a particular emphasis on Azure. Their global footprint is evident in their expansive international customer base that spans across Australia, the US, and Singapore. Having rendered services in varied sectors such as Banking, e-Retailing, Energy, and Utilities, ANDD Techservices stands poised to deliver unparalleled value, solidifying their stature as a trusted name in technology strategy.


ANDD Techservices champions a bespoke suite of digital services, tailored to address the evolving challenges of the modern business landscape. It leads with astute strategic insights for digital transformation, ensuring a transition that is both smooth and resilient. Its capabilities span a broad spectrum: from insightful product assessments, precise technical advisories, to the crucial technical due diligence during strategic business acquisitions. The company’s prowess is particularly notable in the integration realm, crafting API strategies, enabling API capabilities, fortifying API security, and orchestrating integration solution implementations. It provides the digital framework essential for businesses to prosper in today’s digital era.


The bedrock of ANDD Techservices’s ethos lies in the belief that by taking exceptional care of the customer, the business naturally flourishes. customer-centric philosophy is mirrored in every strategic recommendation and technology solution they craft. Moreover, the company emphasises on employee well-being.


ANDD Techservices has always been selective about the projects it undertakes. The company believes in delivering quality over quantity, which translates to taking up high-value work. While this might mean quoting higher rates, its clients are assured of receiving unparalleled value. Its impeccable standards are a reflection of its Founder and Managing Director, Mr. Ashish Aggarwal’s hands-on approach, particularly his knack for crafting meticulous documentation that serves as invaluable assets for clients.

The aspiration for excellence does not end with leadership. Mr. Aggarwal expects his team to manifest a similar level of expertise and dedication. This demand for the best is not just about maintaining the company’s reputation, but also ensuring that every client interaction echoes the company’s commitment to top-tier service and innovation.


ANDD Techservices transcends traditional client-service provider dynamics, aiming instead to cultivate lasting partnerships. Each engagement with a client is initiated with an understanding of their distinct needs, ensuring that the solutions offered are impeccably tailored and impactful. This consultative methodology, fused with the company’s relentless pursuit of excellence, guarantees that every collaboration is anchored in trust, mutual admiration, and a joint aspiration for triumph. It is this unwavering commitment to nurturing long-standing relationships that distinguishes ANDD Techservices, positioning the company not merely as a service provider, but a valued partner in the digital voyages of their clientele.