Tanzania introduces a novel non-invasive COVID-19 detection technology

Tanzania introduces a novel non-invasive COVID-19 detection technology

Tanzania unveils a new non-invasive EDE method to detect Covid-19 infection. The EDE technology was launched at the Zanzibar International Airport.

Exponential D examination (EDE) uses the electromagnetic rays that come from the human body. EDE can capture every sign of change that pulls towards the Covid-19 virus which can tell if the person is scanned positive or negative.

The EDE technology was introduced by the local government which is the first scanning method in Africa to detect the virus in the human body. It is a big success for the nation as it will be a huge relief from PCR tests for travelers. Travelers will no longer have to get PCR or arrive 2 hours before their flight.

The president of Zanzibar Hussein Mwinyi said, “When it comes to conducting Covid tests, there have always been a lot of problems, and you know all these tests were really invasive, but this is the first non-invasive test but also the first test of its kind in Africa. So for us, it’s a huge success for Zanzibar”.

The EDE technology was tested on nearly 20,000 people with a 93% accuracy rate before it was launched at the Zanzibar International Airport.